Thursday, December 26, 2013

This Grief is Mine

I never realized how personal grief is until I lost my first baby to miscarriage. Yes, I have lost people in my life: grand parents, friends, coworkers, family... I have certainly felt moments of missing them after they were gone. And don't get me wrong, I still do at times.  I've always been able to just pick myself up and keep going though.

Not with this. Not with my baby. There are days I wake up, happy, excited, the. I crash in a second and find myself in tears and hiding in the bathroom at work, or behind a book in the bus... There are other days that I just don't want to get out of bed... I don't want to move and it hurts to breath.  Sometimes I worry what others will say... "Tracy just pray about it," "Tracy God has a plan so stop being sad" "Tracy your time will come it just wasn't now."  I've worried about this for the past three months feeling that I need to just pick up myself and go.

I realized this week that grief is different for every single person. And I realized I have to stop being so hard on myself and that I need to let myself hurt and cry and grow from this. That if something makes me think of my baby and makes me cry it's ok. That if I want to talk about my baby it's ok. That I will never get over loosing my baby and it's ok.  Things may get a bit easier... But I will never be ok and THAT IS OK!

Right now I am surrounded by a few friends who are pregnant and my heart, as happy as I want to be for them, breaks and cracks for me every time I see an ultrasound picture, hear a story about the future and see their bellys grow.  And it's ok for me to feel this way. I may love my friends but that doesn't change what happened to me.  I'm not the girl who had the miscarriage, this isn't who I am. I'm still me but this is something that happened to me. Sometimes I get down because I think that others see me simple as Tracy, the girl who lost her baby... When in reality, the reason people know what happened is because I choose to tell my story to help others.

I was searching Gods word for some verses in comfort... As I know he is holding me so tight and so close... I kept feeling maybe I was sinning or doing something wrong because it's been a few months and I still get sad... God is faithful and reminded me that it's ok to be sad! And that being sad isn't something that God would be mad at me over, because he's not mad at me, he's mad about me.

Here are some that touched my heart...

Matthew 5:4
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Isaiah 43:2
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.
Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I need to remember there is not a time line to grief and mine is different from yours. Grief surely can consume you... It's how you choose to deal with it that determines how you heal. For me, I choose to keep my baby in my heart and my mind and have the best comfort that my baby is in the arms of my Savior. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

He knows...

I wrote my blog earlier... Feeling down in the bumps and sad and missing my baby and the what ifs... God reminded me so many ways tonight that I am loved... That I have affected people just by opening up and sharing my story. By a few gifts I was given by a friend whom I hardly know but has been moved by my story... To a little picture another Friend drew for me ... To the mug my dad found today out of the blue... To a text from a close friend just reminding me of Gods promises... To happening to listening in to a live devotional and it hit very single point I needed to hear... Thank you God... You do know all I need.... 

Christmas Baby Blues

Like any grief, a miscarriage brings the same emotions.  I thought, I'll be ok.  The holidays won't be an issue because, well, my baby  never made it to the holidays, so I won't be missing anything.  I will be fine, and just time will go on, and we will get through this, no problem! 

Wrong.  I had no idea that I would have these feelings.  I am so loved and so supported by friends, family, and a community of other mommy's of angels.  I lost my baby at only  8-9 weeks...  But it was long enough to know I loved every single little hope, dream, and minute of that baby's life. 

My heart and my body have been longing for our little one lately.  I don't dread the holidays, I don't dread Christmas.  I am just sad.  Yes, all in God's time... Yes, He knows my hearts desires... Yes, the pain of losing a baby, no matter how far along, is something that never goes away.

This Christmas in all the hussle and bussle, don't forget there are those out there with broken hearts.  Be patient if they get a little down or don't want to go here or there.  Don't get on them because maybe they don't want to decorate the Christmas tree.  Love on them when they get tears in their eyes from watching the little loved ones they have in thier lives enjoy the magic of Christmas.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our Happy Place

I won't lie.  This year has been tough.  And all we wanted to do was to get away, go on our vacation, and visit our happy place.

But along with what seems like everything this year, our past vacation just wasn't what we thought it would be.  It started off a bit bumpy.  And to be honest, I burst into tears multiple times on day one.  I looked at Jeff at one point in time and said, well you knew THIS would happen eventually!  I was so upset... I felt embarrassed.  I just wanted to go home.  I hated having to explain that it had been a tough year and we just wanted to get away.  I felt so stupid. I just wanted to go home.  And for me to say that of our favorite place??? You knew it was bad.

We got home that night, back to the hotel, found one of our luggage damaged.  Had to deal with that.  I was just done.  Absolutely done.  Nothing had gone how I wanted it to go, and I figured this was going to be how our vacation was.  I was so sad. I was so upset. I was so angry. 

I wanted to pray, but I was just not going to. Why? Because I just didn't know what to say.  I asked my husband to say a prayer. Finally he did.  And he started off by saying out loud, I'm saying this prayer because Tracy wants to pray but she just won't do it, and I don't know why.  In his prayer he also mentioned that he didn't understand why things were going the way they were, and questioned if we were even supposed to be there in the first place.  It was a strange feeling.  Everything was strange.  Not how it used to be.  I didn't like it.  I wanted life back the way it was before.

The next morning we woke up with new eyes, new thoughts, new hearts.  The rest of the trip was wonderful!  I did have my moments.  I would see a pregnant woman... or a baby... or even a child and then I would think that in only a few years we would have been there with our little kid.  I felt a little empty at times.

There was something I forgot at times and had to remind myself.  I get a whole week to hang out with my very best friend.  He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, so just give in.  And I did.  And it was amazing!

I can't say I didn't get sad at times, but I can say that I was sure to laugh and live, and just have a good time with my husband. 

I don't know where I'm going with this blog really.  Maybe just to say even though things don't turn our how we want them, they are how they are supposed to be!  I was reminded of my treasure I have here on earth and fell in love with him even more.  I am looking forward to brighter, happier days.  for now I will just think of the memories we made this past week!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Reminder to Pregnant Ladies... and to us, Mothers of Angels

This past weekend, I found out a dear friend of mine is pregnant.  As much as I a adore her and love her, and as much as she tried to wait for the oppertune moment and the perfect timing, it didn't go that way, and ended up with me weeping, her feeling bad for not telling me, and the person who unknowingly announced it feeling horrible.  It was a mess, but we all quickly turned it around.

I had just told my husband a couple of days prior that I know that when I get the news of someone being pregnant for the first time since my miscarriage that it would probably be hard for me to handle.  Little did I know how hard. 

My friend mentioned above had suffered a miscarriage years earlier. Because of this, she knows full well the pain and heartache that goes along with loosing a baby.  She had struggled with just how to tell me, without hurting me.  I could not blame her for getting pregnant, nor was it my place to get mad with her because of it.  But there is true heartache in loosing a baby, and when you see pregnant woman or babies or in this case hear of a friend's pregnancy announcment, your heart can and may break.

My reminder to pregnant ladies is this:  Please tell us about your babies.  But don't rub it in our faces.  I once had someone tell me during our two years of trying(and all the heartache that comes with that that they fully were aware of) that they decided to have a baby because it was easy.   We want to hear about the fact that you found out you are pregnant, but don't get upset with us if we cry.  WE ARE NOT MAKING THIS ABOUT US. We are human.  No matter how many times I try to swallow my pain, sometimes it comes raring back up into my face.  Don't hide your joy from us.  We do not have a disease.  It is not something you can catch, so please do not exclude us from events that revolve around your baby.  Just keep in mind we may not be able to attend as our hearts are still trying to heal.   When you don't talk about your baby, you are doing our baby an injustice.

For us ladies who have angel babies:  your friend's hearts ache for you.  This friend of mine held off because she was so nervous I would get sad and didn't want to hurt me. I had another friend who would ask me every month if I was pregnant before one month saying she hated to tell me but she was pregnant.  As much as we don't want to go to those baby showers, and talk about baby stuff... try it...  If you can make it for a little bit, for a very special friend, do it.  If you can't, THAT IS OK.  Send the mom a message, just let her know you are thinking of her, and  be honest, that you just can't handle it emotionally.  A couple weeks after my miscarriage we had a friend who had a baby shower, I was honest with them, and they told me not to be silly and that they were praying for me.

I told my friend, who is only 20 days behind where I was, that I appreciated her.  Because she had had a miscarriage, she must have had that fear come back to her when I told her we lost our baby.  I also let her know that her baby will be very loved... extra specialy so by me.  I made a promise to myself and to God that day... When I see her, or if I get sad about the loss of our little one, I made a promise to say a prayer for my friend and for her baby.  This is something I can do with my pain, something to take a positive turn around.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I am His Favorite...

Every November I will write something I am thankful for on my Facebook, one thing for every day. (and yes I went old school and used to do it on my MySpace! )

Here is what I wrote last night:
I won't lie, today is a day I feel a bit sad and I'm thinking of things that would have been: almost four months, soon to be feeling kicks from our baby, taking belly pics in Disney next week, planning for our future as a family, and gettin...g ready to be parents. That is not the path that God chose for us now. Even though I do mourn the loss of that baby and that new life we were to have, I can say that at these times, I am God's favorite... I know that I can cling to Him at this time. Had we not gone through this pain, I wouldn't know the feeling of Him being a healer, and if I never felt the pain I wouldn't know He is a comforter. So as sad as I can get sometimes, I remember that God has greater things for me and my husband.
Like I said on my post, I can't lie... Today is one of those days that I just get that sad tug in my heart... the one that just brings tears to my eyes... It is then that I fall on those who love me, and on the One who loves me the most... And I cling to Him and ask to hold me close... It's not always easy, and sometimes I want to get mad... But this is the best I can do...
Healing comes in time..

Sunday, November 3, 2013

God put me there

I don't even know where to begin this blog tonight.  Today I realized that God put me right where I needed to be.  Time after time He does that. From having my husband and I join the church together in July to having out church family there during this tough time in our life, to placing woman into my life who have walked the same path I have started down.

Today two beautiful ladies and I connected and bonded over the fact that all three of us have lost our babies. It was amazing to be so raw and full if emotion and talk out loud to both of them and to listen as they told me parts of their story.

One if them told me something I had been longing to hear... Something I have been praying and searching for for an answer.  We are coming up on the second month before we can try to get pregnant again.  To be honest I'm terrified. What if it happens again and I loose another baby? What if it takes another two years and ends in the same result. What if  that was it, and I don't get pregnant again. What if next time I'm further along and things go wrong... Just all the questions that run through your mind when you have lost a baby and aren't sure if you should or want to try again.

My friend came to me and told me this. She told me she had been thinking of me and praying for me. She said she had to tell me something and went on to say that when I get pregnant again and she knows it will happen, that it is going to be terrifying. And that that is ok. It's ok to be terrified sometimes from second to second. When it comes to your body and pregnancy, God is the only one in control. A very dear friend of mine told me that when she was pregnant, one of those resulting in a miscarriage. She said she realized that in pregnancy you have no control over what happens. No matter if you eat the right things, stay away from stress, God is the only one in control of life.

All of this was just what I needed to hear today. God just has this way of putting you right where he wants when he wants you there. I was only able to see these ladies because we were campus surfing today.  This just all reminds me that you are where you are supposed to be. God will guide you there.

Even though my talk with these girls was very emotional and very raw and rough today, it was exactly all I needed to hear. God put me there.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Rock Here On Earth

Today was a day I wasn't sure which way to turn.  One of those days I've been told by others who have walked in my foot prints that I would definatly face in my walk through healing and the days to follow me.

I'm not going to dwell on today and my feelings that I had. Instead I am going to take a moment to thank the person who has been by my side every step of this journey. This chapter in my life... Our lives. My husband, my love, my rock, my Jeff.

I don't know that you will read this or not, but I wanted to write it.  You were the first one that I told when I found out we were pregnant. You sat next to me when the doctor confirmed that we were having our dream baby and our world changed! You were there for every sleepless night, every nauseous day, every worry I had in the one month and one day we had knowing we were going to be parents, our next journey together.  You were there when we told our family and a few close friends that life was never gonna be the same for us.  We dreamed together.

I know it wasn't long and we couldn't feel the baby kick or anything yet but you would often talk to my belly and tell our baby you loved them.  And you prayed with me. And for me and for our family.

You were there and came to my side when we went for our ultrasound and the doctor asked me questions and I started to shake. You were there when my heart shattered and our world shook and we would never be the same... Again...

Jeff I could not ask for a more perfect friend and a more perfect person and yes husband to be by my side when I felt as though the world was pulled from under my feet and I was falling into a pit of nothing.  I see and read so many stories of woman whose husbands just didn't care. Don't care. Don't want to hear it anymore and don't see what the big deal is.  Yes you do not know how I feel and you have told me that, but you love me and my heart so much that you are by my side for the crazy for the sad for the beyond words days. When I just need someone to hold me, sit next to me, listen to me cry.

I know you miss our old life and my love so do I. But God is doing something big with us. I know that we both know that and we can feel it. He has such a work that he is performing in us that it gives me chills when I try to comprehend what He is going to do in our lives, as no pain is wasted.

I have grown more in love with you during this time. You have seen me at my highest then a minute later at my ultimate lowest. You are they helping me get back up. Slowly and surly. I will have my days and you know that and you've seen them. But instead of having me dwell on the sad you help me work on the good.

May 4th, what would have been our due date. This day will not be a day if sadness. It will be one of celebrating us, life, and our blessings. It will also be out DO date. A day we can do something for others who will walk the path we are on now. This was your idea. And I love that. And I love you. I don't know what we will end up doing but I can assure you it will be beautiful and our baby and our God will both look down on us and smile.

Thank you for telling me we will meet our baby in heaven. I will never forget that. Thank you for loving me even on my bad days. Thank you Jeff. Thank you....

Monday, October 28, 2013

Far from ok...

I want to just clarify one thing. I know there are woman who may read this blog and say ,"how is she acting ok?? How come she is fine?"

I wanna let you know that is far from the truth. I am still healing. I still have a long road ahead of me. I still question everything. Mostly I still cry. My heart is still in a million pieces, I'm hurt starting to slowly pick some up.

I will never be the same person that I was he morning of August 23rd and once again when my world was flipped I will never be the same person I was the night if September 24th. And that is ok. That is life.

I could have taken two paths when our baby became an angel. I chose to lean on God for my strength. I chose faith. It is what has gotten me by with the help of my family, friends and my church.

Had I miscarried a fee months before, I would have gone down the other path. One that easily Rilke have hurt both me and my husband and just set ha on a downwards spiral.

Do I have days where I cry? Absolutely. Moments I think I can't do it anymore? More than you think. Sleepless nights mixed with worry and anger, yup thise come my way too....

But when they do u pray... I remember Gods promises for us.  So even though I'm may seem ok, there are times when I'm broken...

Take care of each other. You never know what other peoples stories my be!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I am the Face...

"1 in 4 woman miscarry
1 in 10 woman struggle with infertility
I am the face of one or both..."

I have had so many woman contact me lately, I have been blessed to hear their stories.  A similar story also is infertility.  I have listened to many tell me of their struggle to have a baby.  Our journey started over two years ago, so I know of the longing and waiting and the wondering why it's not happening to you, and the wondering if you are broken.

It is something that can tear a marriage apart.  It's a very lonely road even though you are not going it alone. You don't want to talk with your partner about it, because is it you, is it me, who's fault is it? Why isn't it working?  I told you we needed to try on this day or that day, we must have missed calculated.  Then there comes the testing... The rounds and rounds of testing.

And if they find something wrong?  They thought I might have had uterine cancer.  For three months I wondered and worried, waiting for results and more tests.  It was at that point, after a year, before we were going to head to a fertility specialist that Jeff and I decided it wasn't for us.. Not then at least.  We had such a struggle for a year already and we wanted to just step back for a bit.  Go back to being us, enjoying us.  He told me as we left the doctors one day, "You are the one who always says if it's supposed to happen, then it will happen... So why would this be any different than anything else in our life?"

I know many woman personally and those who have reached out to me who have struggled even after seeing a specialist.  Woman who long to have a baby in their arms, to kiss their face, to feel their heart beat. Woman like me.. And maybe woman like you... Or one you know.

For now we need to heal, need to take a break.  If we decide later down the road to visit a specialist than we shall.  It is a very personal choice for many people.  I admire those who have taken that step.

I came across a website today, .  Organizer Kimberly Soule has also suffered a miscarriage and infertility.  She is selling tshirts to raise awareness of both.  All proceeds go to the March of Dimes.  On the tshirts is the quote I displayed at the begining of this blog... On the front there are tiny foot prints, and it says, "The loss of a dream... The struggle of infertility."

I am going to buy one of these shirts.  I do not know when or where or if I will wear it.  Maybe May 4th, our due date, maybe next October 15th.  Maybe around the house, maybe out for a walk, maybe to the mall.  I just don't know yet.  But I know I want people to become aware of this silent struggle.  

If you can visit her site, please do.  You too can help raise awareness for the faces of so many woman.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Memory Garden...

A few weeks after my miscarriage, we had decided that we would like to plant a tree in honor of our angel.  My mum had the idea and wanted to a rose bush.  Jeff wanted a red rose bush, and everything fell into place. 

Me, mum, and dad went to the garden store, got all the materials, came home, and so began our day.  Dad tilled the land, mum and me planted. It was very emotional as I was still in pain, and still very sad. 

We picked a Mr. Lincoln Tea Rose Bush.  Big bright beautiful roses that will bloom come this spring, maybe around the time of my due date, May 4, 2014.  No blooms yet... We also planted a couple of bleeding hearts, Jeff's idea.. and will add some baby's breath and forget me nots when the spring comes.  

Everything looks a little barren now, as it's autumn and nothing is in bloom.  We also don't have alot of garden decor yet, just a star with a glow in the dark marble. ( This past weekend a beautiful friend of mine, Vonne, gave me a Minnie Mouse pumpkin kit, which we decorated a pumpkin and put next to our rose bush!  She didn't even know about what had happened and didn't know that's why we had our garden.)

When we were finishing planting, my husband came home.  It started to rain a bit out, and we worked even after the sun went down.  We came in the house... I was sitting next to Jeff, and burst into tears.  He had no idea why, and kept asking me... I told him that I was so mad!!! That I didn't WANT to plant a garden to remember our baby.  I didn't WANT to have to do things like that.  I wanted to be planning baby showers, and picking out first outfits, and thinking of all the firsts that come with a little one.  I was so mad.  I was crying and yelling, and I yelled to him, Why did God do this? Why would He even GIVE me the ONE thing that we wanted, only to take it away from us?   He very gently and quitely looked at me and said he didn't take anything away from us.  He never gave us that baby to begin with because it was never ours.  It was always His... It was never ours love...

So I sat there and I knew Jeff was right... Does that anger come up still sometimes?  Yes... But when it does I just pray... no matter where I am, I just talk to God... I tell him this, I don't understand why this is happening.. I may  never know... but I know you love me, and I love you.. And that's all I can understand.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rushing Back...

As I sit at my computer, the same place I sat a month ago when I got the dreaded phone call from the doctor telling me I had miscarried... My heart breaks.. yet it soars.  I shared my story last night, well today at midnight... And the support, and mothers whose hearts have also been broken have just poured over me.

I want to burst with the hope my story may help someone, and has put other's at ease... But my heart is shattered and can't burst right now...

It's a very bittersweet position to be in.  I cry out to God tonight... I am so sad and so weak in my heart... but I know He loves me.. He has something so amazing planned for me and my husband that we can't even begin to fathom it.

He tests the righteous... that is what my husband text me the other day when I said I just couldn't do it anymore... He tests us... for His glory... for our growth... I pray to just keep growing... There are mighty things that He has declared for us...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Two years... Two Months... One Month...One Day... Lifetime of Love...

Life can surely throw you for a loop.  It can flip around one minute and the next minute you are clinging to whatever you have to understand it.  This is my story...  This is our story.  I am one in four... But I am not alone.

About two months ago, at the end of August 23, 2013... I had this feeling... After two very long years of trying, we were blessed to find out we were finally having a baby!  My sister picked up a pregnancy test, I took it and BOOM!  Two lines.. Right away!

I told my husband, Jeff, and we were very excited, and a bit nervous.  A year prior had consisted of tests, a cancer scare, talks of fertility doctors, and alot of days blaming myself and my body on the fact that we could not become pregnant.  But, all that worry, all that sadness, gone in the blink of two pink lines.  I knew right then and there that my life as I had known it, had forever changed, and I loved that baby inside me from that second forward.  We were happy.

Two days later I was baptized through my church at their big baptism bash.  My sister confronted me about the test and, well, it wasn't hard for me to just burst at the seams and tell her!   We cried together in that little wooden bathroom, and she was beyond thrilled for us.  A week or so later we told our family.  My husband kept telling me it was so early, and what if something happened?  I said, "Well if something happened I would rather they know so they can be there for me, and more importantly, that they can enjoy OUR joy for as long as it is possible.  He agreed, and we let them in on the secret.

A couple days after we found our we were pregnant, we scheduled an appointment with our doctor, who wanted us to wait until September 11, 2013 to go and take our blood test and confirm.  Reluctantly I wanted the two weeks.  I just wanted an answer right then and there, to make it real!  Two weeks slowly passed, and YES, we were pregnant!  I remember sitting at the doctors and just beaming and smiling at my husband, it was finally happening!  We felt so awesome, told some close friends that night and that weekend, and our dreams and thoughts of the future with our baby were flooding in...

I was the happiest I had ever been.  Tired, yes, Nauseous, yes, but I didn't care.  We were having a baby, our family was gong to be complete.  And that is all I needed to know!  We felt God had heard our prayers, and answered them.  We knew this was all in His timing, and finally His timing was our timing.  Life was good!  Jeff would talk to my belly but really really softly.  I never got to hear everything he said, but I know he was in love with that baby.

One month and one day later, we were going to get to see our baby for the FIRST time!  We had a dating ultrasound to see if I was 8 or 9 weeks and to find our due date, which I had figured out through calculations and an app of course (yes, there is an app for that) was May 4th, 2014.  The night prior, I was on a Facebook group for "MayFlowers", woman who were due in May.  Three of those woman asked to be taken off the page because they had lost their babies and found out that day. I went to bed that night, and wept and we prayed for them.  Jeff and I, as I wept, we prayed for their hearts, and we knew they must be so broken.  I selfishly prayed for a strong heartbeat for our baby, as they had not found theirs.

The next day came and I was a ball of emotions... Excited, nervous... I had people all over praying for me, and close friends and family texting and calling, asking me when everything was happening.  Our appointment was at 6:45, down the street from where I live.  Work ended and we took the drive.  I was soooo wicked excited.  We went in, I had to go to into the rest room and get changed into the hospital gown.  I couldn't hold my phone, I remember thinking, well I want to have it with me to take a picture, video, then thinking, nah it's ok.  They will give me a picture!

The tech asked me some date questions and away we went.  A minute or so into the ultrasound, she asked me if I was sure of my dates... If I could have gotten them wrong.  RIGHT then and THERE, I knew... something was terribly wrong.  I was so sure of my dates, yes, because of another app.  I started to shake.  Jeff got up and stood next to me.  We saw our little baby for the first time.  The tech didn't say anything... No, oh look at this, and oh listen to this... And I just knew in my heart of hearts things had gone bad...
Jeff asked if that was our little "kidney bean" as we had been naming the baby after fruits from a website.
She said yes, and just moved along.  We asked well what is that ?  It's where the pregnancy began.  And what is that?  It's the umbilical cord.  She kept saying maybe we were wrong on the dates, maybe we came in to early.... I know we weren't early.  She said we measured more like 6 weeks... and even at that... she never mentioned a heartbeat.

We ended everything, and she asked us to wait, wanted to check my blood levels and a radiologist would look at the pictures.   The next hour of my life was one of the worst ones.  I begged, pleaded with God, not our baby, PLEASE not our baby... I don't want to go loose this baby... God please, you blessed us, don't take it from us.  I begged. I wept.  My husband sat next to me, holding my hand.  A lady in the waiting room got tissues from the desk and brought them to me. She said, "I have been where you are..."

That hit me like a ton of bricks.  I had no idea what she was there for.. or why, and I didn't care.  At the moment, I just wanted our baby to be ok. When I think back on it now and what I know, I wish her and I could have hugged, and talked, and she could have told me how to cope with what I would soon find out.

The tech called us in her office, told us she had been trying to get our doctor but couldn't.  She told me to go home and call this other doctor that they would be able to give me some answers.  I wept and kept saying, something is wrong, just let me know, tell me... something is wrong, what's wrong!!  She kept telling me I was probably just to early and not to say that... and don't think that way....

We walked out the doors.  I was shaking, crying so hard I threw up right there in the parking lot.  I didn't want to go home.  I didn't want to call that doctor.  I didn't want to hear them say anything than our baby was ok.  I called them and waited.  My sister called in the mean time, and I thought it was the doctor.  I freaked out and told her I would call her back.  Finally the phone rang.  I can't tell you the doctors name, what time of day it was, or anything like that, all I know is what I heard on the other end of the phone...

"Tracy... are you sure on your dates?"  "Yes, I'm positive."  "Oh Tracy, then I'm so sorry to tell you this... I am 99% positive you have miscarried. I am so sorry."

I can't remember much else she said.  I know the feelings I had as I sat in my computer chair, THIS computer chair.  These feelings came from deep inside... I cried like I never knew I could cry.  Our baby, our one little baby, the one we had been wishing for and praying for for years, was now in Heaven.

We would never hold our baby, kiss our baby, count their little toes, nibble on their cheeks.  We would never wish them a happy birthday, see them go to their first day of school, hold their hand.  I was heartbroken.  I still am.

We broke the news to our family, which was absolutely devastating.  I will never forget that.  I felt as though someone had died, had been ripped out of my arms.  I didn't know where to go, what to do.  My family prayed in that living room that night.  Prayed for healing, for strength.

The next few days were filled with sadness, anger, guilt, everything that comes with grief.  We talked with the doctor the next am on the phone who confirmed everything.  We went in the day after, and went over our options: the pill that is called the abortion pill, which I had to take the year before for a test they were running and thought I had died, let it happen naturally, or a d and c, where they remove your baby from your uterus.
I refused the pill, I could not emotionally let it happen naturally, so we chose the D and C.  I had to wait till 4pm on Friday to have that done.

At the hospital I went through every emotion.  What if I was wrong?  What if they were wrong?  What if I don't wake up?  Jeff and I cried when I said that.. He said then I would be the first to meet our baby... I kept crying that I didn't want to be there for that. They make you have the surgery in labor and delivery.  It was horrible.  I had to get an IV which I almost passed out when they gave me.  I had a hard time with that.  I just didn't want to be there for that.... I didn't want to say goodbye... and what if I was making a mistake?

My surgery went over fine... I recovered well, besides the emotional part of it, and was back at work on Monday... ended up having to take some time off as I found myself in extreme pain and could not cope emotionally.

Why am I telling my story?  Because there are too many people who keep quite about this and deal with it alone.  It is amazing the more I told people, the more they told me they had a simliar experience or someone they know went through that.  I realized I wasn't alone.  There are groups, forums, aunts, moms, sisters, friends, who have been there, who have been broken.

Tomorrow marks a month to the day that we found out our baby went to Heaven.  I couldn't stay silent anymore. I wanted to, and needed to share. I needed people to know, if they are struggling, they are not alone.  I am no where close to being ok and feeling good, but I know that if I did not have my husband, my family, my church family, and my God to cling to, I would be lost.  Jeff and I started back at church just the month before we found out we were pregnant, in July. God knew what he was doing when we got us back involved and drew us closer to Him.  Had He not, I do not know where I would be today. I know I would be lost, our marriage would be breaking, and things just would not be good.

This blog is not a pity blog.  This is not something I want you to feel sorry about.  I want this to help someone.  I will never understand the why... I will never know the how come... I just know it happened, and God has a reason for it that may not even have to do with me.

I needed to share in hopes this can help someone cling to Him.  There is a song I listen to called Blessings.  Part of it goes, like this, "What if your blessings come through raindrops?  What if your healing comes through tears?  What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near?  What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?"

We will never forget Our Little One, Too Beautiful for Earth... But we will always have comfort knowing that our baby is waiting for us, in God's arms...