Friday, November 8, 2013

I am His Favorite...

Every November I will write something I am thankful for on my Facebook, one thing for every day. (and yes I went old school and used to do it on my MySpace! )

Here is what I wrote last night:
I won't lie, today is a day I feel a bit sad and I'm thinking of things that would have been: almost four months, soon to be feeling kicks from our baby, taking belly pics in Disney next week, planning for our future as a family, and gettin...g ready to be parents. That is not the path that God chose for us now. Even though I do mourn the loss of that baby and that new life we were to have, I can say that at these times, I am God's favorite... I know that I can cling to Him at this time. Had we not gone through this pain, I wouldn't know the feeling of Him being a healer, and if I never felt the pain I wouldn't know He is a comforter. So as sad as I can get sometimes, I remember that God has greater things for me and my husband.
Like I said on my post, I can't lie... Today is one of those days that I just get that sad tug in my heart... the one that just brings tears to my eyes... It is then that I fall on those who love me, and on the One who loves me the most... And I cling to Him and ask to hold me close... It's not always easy, and sometimes I want to get mad... But this is the best I can do...
Healing comes in time..

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