Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Difference.

Sometimes I am amazed at people.  And the things they say. I don't want to get into it now, but I know 
that God may have a baby planned for us in our future... He may not.  I will not force the subject.  If he does not chose to have a baby be part of our lives, then so be it.  It is His plan, and that plan is greater and far more wonderful above anything we can hope or dream.  

I know people mean well with the things they say.  And I know that this subject is deemed taboo and that people do not know what to say sometimes, so they say things that they think would make me feel better.  And I love them for it... but it still breaks my heart at times. 

People will often talk of the baby that they just know God will give to us.  Maybe this one little angel baby was our baby that God gave to us.  Maybe, that was what we needed.  Maybe we got those couple of months, and that is all that was for us.  Yes I do get very sad some days, but I also am comforted that God has a plan for us and for our lives.  When people talk about this future baby, they say God has so many plans for this baby and that this baby will be so amazing and this baby will do so many things and bring God glory.

What they do not remember... What they do not even realize... THIS baby... THIS baby that God called back to Him before He even let them see this world, THIS baby that was so special and so beautiful, too beautiful for earth, that He took right back to be with Him. THIS BABY is making a difference!  Has made a difference in my life... in my husbands life... my families life... but more over in the hundreds of people, strangers, who have read this blog, who have been touched by the words God has given to me to share... Who have been touched by the grace and strength that we have been shown.  


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