Friday, January 24, 2014

4 Months Today

Today marks 4 months from the day that we discovered our little baby had grown their angel wings. 4 months from the first and only time we got to see our little baby... 4 months from the saddest moment of my life to date.  4 months from when my world flipped upside down.

I've come along way.  Healing ok.. learning to live with my new normal.  They say time heals all things.... It's more about just learning how to deal with the pain, the sadness.  That I have been doing well.

The ladies helping me with my "Do Date" event have been amazing, as have the people from all over who are donating and have donated to our cause: to make sure no angel mother leaves the hospital empty handed, and they know they are not alone. 

There are those days... oh those days that break your heart.  You see another pregnancy announcement, people avoid you while they talk about their babies, you don't know what to say to someone who asks if you have children, your heart is still shattered.  Those days are the days I remind myself of God's promise to me.  I know that there will some day be a rainbow. 

A rainbow comes after the storm.  It's a reminder that God has promises for me.  Again whether that means an angel baby, a new calling in life, bringing those close to Him through my pain, His story for my glory, helping those woman who need reminders they are loved, not alone, and not lost in their time of need, I don't know.  But I know that God has promises for me.  Way beyond my dreams and my imaginations.

I remind myself that HE will set a rainbow in the sky of my life.  That I am His child and he will watch over and protect me.

4 months... I can still remember every second of that day... I will never forget the pain and the heartache... But I will always look for the rainbow.

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